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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Women and Online Dating

It is cold and raining and I wanted to get out and do yard stuff today, oh well! So I went to the store and purchased a book to read and probably do some inside stuff later. May do something constructive or may just drink beer and watch TV.

Well anyway the book I picked up is titled “Sex, Lies and Online Dating”. As ya’ll know that is how I meet the majority of my dates so the title kind of caught my eye. Unfortunately a woman wrote it so everything will be from the woman’s viewpoint.

One-paragraph states, “SEX”..What is it about men anyway? Bad cars, bad jobs, even bad teeth and nothing convinces them that they can’t snare a Size Two Babe with a D-cup chest. And after way to many Internet dates with men named “luvstick” and bigdaddy182 I should know.

Well Bubba wants to know what it is with you damn women. The men folk ain’t the only ones to exaggerate a little. Women post as their main profile picture a 15-20 year younger version of you. (Yes and that Size two babe with a D-Cup breast is you 20 years ago baby and “you” take the high road by saying, looks ain’t important to you!) In legal circles they would call that bait and switch.

In fact men if you want to get fairly close to what she looks like today go directly to picture number 5. All on line dates have their on little quirts but then again the gal your sister in law or someone at work or church sets you up with may be crazy as hell too. I once told a good woman friend when asked about a date, “Well she is all right I guess but she does have a few issues! The friend told me, get over it Art there ain’t a woman over 20 that don’t have some kind of issue.

One thing for certain is there ain’t nothing for certain in the dating world. There are a few things you can kind of count on however. As a man in the relationship your charm and intelligence diminishes over time. (Now nieces and daughters and other women this may have been sent to I would really like your feed back on the following)

You ever notice guys that when you first start dating a woman you can’t say or do anything wrong. They laugh at everything you say weather it is funny or not. You’re sweet, intelligent, and maybe even good-looking for a while. It is only over a period of time that all of this begins to fade in the eyes of the woman until one-day phase two kicks in. Phase two is called many things but today I will use, Get his ass straightened up enough to meet the family or at least take some where in public. It happens in the blink of an eye a male goes from perfect to what the hell was I thinking when I started dating him.

Guys are so much simpler in their needs and thought pattern then women. I typed that last statement and then said to myself…no we are not..that is just the propaganda they (women) want us to believe. Women in fact are wired a lot like men but the difference is they never admit to it. To admit to it would mean that a man has some basic knowledge of them and they perceive that as being way to dangerous a situation as you might truly feel that you are right about something down the road.

So how do you know then if you are right about your woman? It is actually very simple; make your statement about her then shut up for two weeks. No you can talk about other stuff but don’t bring the subject of the discussion up for two weeks. Women are short circuited to initially believe no man could be right about their inner feelings without a necessary brooding or insightful timeframe.

After that two week period bring the subject up again. If she does not immediately take the offense it means you were correct about her in the first place. Now do not think that you will ever hear her admit this, the closest you will get is the statement…I can see why you would think that way, but that is really not the case. When you hear that guys, you nailed her.

So anyway I am in a dating lull right now, taking a little time off. Always a good idea to take a little off around Valentines day as that day can get you in all kinds of trouble. And I am talking long term trouble! I will sign up to one of the sites again of the 15th. Mean time do a little writing and reading, maybe sing a few more songs down at the bar. It is getting close to the time of year I love, summer and boats and swim suits the good life.

Ya’ll have a good one,

Art Nalley
Redneck Hertiage Network

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