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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Has Anybody seen My Soldering Iron?

Seems like I am always losing (or misplacing stuff) now days. Being the analyzer I am, I have often thought about the reasons for this over a cold beer or a cup of coffee. Lately this misplacing stuff has got a lot worse. Last Saturday I spent a good portion of the day looking for a stapler. While doing so I found at least five different boxes of staples but it took hours to find that stapler. When I finally did guess what? None of the five types of staples worked in the gun. I know for a fact that we had at least three other staplers some where but have no idea where they are at. So Genny was leaving for town to do a little shopping and she picked me up a new stapler and I know where it is at now but that could change in a few weeks.

Well while Genny was gone last week to do the shopping I sat down and watching a little DYI on television and saw these real neat things (spikes) that you put on your back wheels of your riding lawn mower so you can both cut and aerate your yard at the same time. As my father would say, it looked like something I just had to have so I ordered it.

They came in and I put it on my tires and worked real well in fact too well as it not only aerated my yard it also aerated my wiring harness to the lawn mower. It grabbed a hold of those wires and cut right thru them. When this happened the lawn mower must have been running and continued to run till I cut it off, so yesterday I am going to move the lawn mower and it won’t start. So I figured I probably ran the battery down some how and put the charger on it. Yes I was able to find the charger which is a miracle on to itself. But the battery charger said the battery was charged so I started looking for lose wiring and found the problem.

Took the tires off this morning and got to the wiring harness. Plan is to fix the wires and then electric tape or wire them in place real tight to the frame of the mower and out of the way of the aerator device. But when they put this lawn mower together they did not waste not even one inch of wire and the two groups of wire now just barely come together. Some guy at the factory probably made some money saying if we reduce the wiring to exactly what is need to get from point A to B we can save some bucks. More then likely the lawnmower will die before the wiring does but in the event something happens to it we can make some extra dollars with the customer buying a new wiring harness from us. The small gauge wiring is no problem as I have plenty of that around the house but the Battery wire requires some heavy gauge wire and I have not been able to find it.

I know I have some cause when I was working on my boat I kept finding it when looking for the small gauge wire. But this morning I can’t find the heavy wire and yes I have looked on the boat and every where else I can think of. So when plan A don’t work go to plan B.

It will probably work if I solder the two wires together. But I can’t find my solder gun now. The problem is further complicated because I still have some stuff stored over at 609 Alice in the garage. I didn’t lease it as I eventually plan of fixing it up and renting it as an apartment. So every time I can’t find something I convince myself that it must be one of two things. Either I left it over at 609 Alice or Genny put it up some where. Genny has one cabinet in the kitchen where she puts her house tools and I always go back there to look. Then I usually jump in the car and run over to Bessemer to look in the garage over there. Most of the time I don’t locate it there either so if it is cheap I buy a new one. The trip to 609 still pays off most of the time as I usually find something else I was looking for a few weeks ago. So now I have two, three or four of them. Oh yeah and while looking in the truck this morning for the solder gun I found the stapler I was looking for so hard last week.

So why is this always happening to me? I have several theories on it. I figure the young kids would say well you are getting old and you just can’t remember anything anymore. Well yes I can, I know I have it just don’t know where it is at! When I can’t remember that I had a stapler or solder gun then we will talk Nursing home.

So could it be that I am not very organized and tend to leave the tools fairly close to what ever I was working on last. I kind of like this theory as I can blame that on DNA. You could come over to my father’s house about 5 pm and tell what he had done all day by following the trail of tools. He would start several projects a day and never finish one but would leave his tools out where he had been working on the problem. I think maybe he couldn’t find the tool he needed to complete the job so he moved on to another task figuring he will find it while doing something else.

Or it could be that I just have too much stuff. Life was so much simpler when I didn’t have anything and knew it and would then go over to Dad’s to borrow it. Of Course you had to find it but if you did he would loan it to you. He would say it is out there some where boy if you can find it you can borrow it. Always wondered how he could remember for months that you borrowed something but couldn’t find it if it was in his possession.

Hey I figured out the solution to the problem while reading this over. I have a whole other riding lawn mower over at 609 with a blown engine should be plenty of wiring and other stuff on it I can use. Hot Damn! Maybe that is why Dad had two or three of the same thing. He had no less then three cub tractors when he died. It has to be DNA folks and so much better to blame it on a parent then yourself. Well headed to 609 Alice for the wiring harness.

Art Nalley
Redneck Heritage Network

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