They say you are never too old to learn something new well this weekend I learned to be careful about about letting your woman drive the boat. So we are tooling down the river have a grand old time when Genny ask if she could drive awhile. I say I don't know baby, you think you can handle it. She says yeah let me drive. So I take her thru the steps, this is neutral, back is going back and this is forward. She took it thru the motions to show she was paying attention but she really was only interested in one movement and that was all the way forward. So I look over at her and she is smiling from ear to ear, sitting in the Indian position and driving the boat a little more than really necessary just to see it do curves and such.
Then I see a little bigger smile as a thought crosses her mind and she reaches over slaps me on the butt and says in a man voice, hey baby, how about getting me a beer! So I smile and fetch her a beer. She waits until I get laid back comfortable and says hey baby how about lighting me a cig also.
Damn women get them out of the kitchen and they go crazy on ya!
Art Nalley
Redneck Heritage Network
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