Lord please help me thru this night as Genny is trying to sophisticate me again. I am working on the tractor and she says how would you like to throw some steaks on the grill tonight. Stupid question don’t you think as a man is always ready for a good steak. I think about that steak the whole time I am finishing up what I am doing on the tractor. Wonder if she went down to the little store in McCalla that sells those inch thick Rib eyes. Ummm!!!!
So I go up take my shower and go to the kitchen to see if she has the steaks ready. I don’t see them around and then I notice this little TV dinner thing like you would get at the Deli with tin on the bottom and plastic on top. So then I pull the top off to look at the meat, well it is thick so that’s good but what in the hell is that stuff in the middle and why is it tied with rope around the outside. Genny Lynn has been reading some damn cooking book again. It has some cheese inserted in the middle with some kind of green stuff. There is this friend of ours who will take a 25 dollar steak and put cheese on it and I look at her like she lost her mind every time she does it. So now we going to add some spinach also. Has the woman lost her mind?
I am sure some where in the Bible there is a rule against doing that. It just ain’t right! So Genny is taking a shower and I go in with my little Deli thing and say what is that in the middle of the steak. She tells me and I say how am I suppose to cook this? I ain’t checked out on cooking steak with cheese in the middle and rope tied around the edges.
Just like you do the regular ones dear…..Art it will be okay I promise. You want me to take the cheese out of yours? No…I will be 55 fairly soon and I don’t want to die without experiencing steak with green stuff and cheese in the middle. How many beers I got left in the frig….
Art Nalley
Redneck Heritage Network
That is funny! I stuffed a chicken once... just once...
No I didn't get it. My email address is either Nalley.Art@gmail.com or ArtNalley@bellsouth.net
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