I was still going what we called going steady with Sheila (8th grade) when I got invited to a hayride at the local Methodist church. The Reverend was a 19-year-old named Brother Charles. Sheila came from one of the most prominate families in Woolmarket. She had a pool in her front yard.
When we got started, I looked around and there were at least 3 women (girls) to every boy. I didn’t think too much about it, because I was going to get to kiss Sheila. But during the night, I found out those women hang together and sometimes it can work to a young mans advantage. Sheila soon felt like the wife on Little Big Man (I think her name was Sunshine) and felt she should share her man with the rest of the girls, sitting around with no one.
So she sent me on a mission. First up was Terri, the older woman. She was in the 10th grade. She was eating chocolate malt balls. Kissed on Terri about 20 minutes and she would let you brush beside some new territory every once in while. Next was Brenda…also an older woman…. Brenda was a cousin of Sheila. Then on to Susan, the local hotty…Stayed with Susan till Sheila moved down and we moved back to our normal spot.
Sheila and I made out for about another 30 minutes when she noticed that no one had approached Cheryl. She was sitting at the back of the trailer and no one had kissed her. Cheryl was skinny as a rail and when Sheila suggested I go kiss her, I was not all that excited about it! I think Cheryl heard part of the discussion and was somewhat embarrassed when I agreed to do my duty for God and Country. She told me, you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to. I said I want to.
When we kissed she did something strange; she opened my lips and stuck her tongue down my throat. I thought …hmm this is different and did the same thing back. We kissed for about 10 minutes and then I went back to Sheila. I stayed with Sheila for the rest of the night.
Two days later, I get a call from Sheila and she is mad as hell that I didn’t tell her that I knew how to FRENCH KISS. I said what the heck is French kissing? She said don’t play innocent with me, you know what it is? I said, no I don’t. She said it is where you stick your tongue down your girlfriend’s throat….I said; oh that is what that was. Those French folks know how to do it right!
Side Note: Saw that skinny little girl (Cheryl) about 20 years later at a school reunion and she was drop dead gorgeous. Wish I had French kissed her some more.
Art Nalley
Redneck Heritage Network